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Low back pain (LBP) has been a challenge to treat for centuries and evidence exists that back pain has been a concern since the origins of man. Chiropractic offers one of the most patient satisfying and fastest treatment approaches available. But, when you go to a chiropractor, there seems to be a lot of different [..]
Massage is the mechanical working of muscles and connective tissues to enhance function, and to improve upon the quality and timing of the healing process. Because massage also promotes relaxation and well-being, it also has pleasurable connotations.Myotherapy is often used synonymously for massage therapy. Myotherapy is the terminology used by many healthcare professionals because it [..]
commonly occurs as a result of a motor vehicle collision when
(typically) there is a sudden stop or deceleration that occurs so fast a
person cannot adequately brace himself or herself, even when aware of
an impending collision. This is because the "whiplash" effect is over in
about 500 msec and we cannot voluntarily [..]
Neck pain is one of the most common complaints for which patients present to chiropractic offices. Headaches are also another very common problem and often go hand-in-hand with the presence of neck pain. So, the question that is frequently asked is, "…why do headaches and neck pain often occur together?"
There are many types of [..]
In many cases, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) results strictly from overuse activities though, as we have discussed previously, other conditions such as hypothyroid, taking birth control pills, pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, and certain types of arthritis can also be involved as a contributor and / or the sole cause. When these conditions are present, they must [..]
(FM) is a very common cause of chronic pain and fatigue. It’s plagued
by the combination of not knowing what causes it (in many cases) and the
fact that very few treatments seem to work. Also, patients often relay
information about a "bad experience" with a doctor who down plays the
diagnosis or worse, [..]
Low back pain (LBP) can have many causes. The primary goal of the chiropractic physician is to identify the main pain generator(s) and manage the patient accordingly.
When first presenting for care, the patient tells us (the doctor of chiropractic) about their complaint in the history portion of our evaluation. Here, we not only ask [..]
Whiplash commonly occurs as a result of a motor vehicle collision when, typically, there is hyper-motion in one direction followed by motion in the opposite direction in a "crack the whip"-like manner.
The direction of the strike typically dictates the direction of movement of the head so in a rear end collision, the strike is [..]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a very common problem. The American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) reported that in 2007, there were 330,000 carpal tunnel release surgeries performed. The main reason to have the surgery is to "open up" the tunnel. That is, the transverse carpal ligament or "floor" of the tunnel is released so [..]
Does mobilization (MOB) get less, the same, or better results when compared to spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) when it comes to treating neck pain? To answer this question, let’s first discuss the difference between the two treatment approaches.
Mobilization (MOB) of the spine can be "technically" defined as a "low velocity, low amplitude" force applied [..]
(FM) is a chronic condition that impacts every aspect of life for those
who harbor it. The diagnosis is often made on individuals with chronic
widespread bodily pain in the absence of any specific condition and when
no specific cause, such as tissue inflammation or damage, can be
identified. Hence, the cause of FM [..]
Low back pain (LBP) can be localized and contained to only the low back area or it can radiate pain down the leg. This distinction is important as the former, LBP only, is often less complicated and carries a more favorable prognosis for complete recovery. In fact, a large part of the history and examination [..]