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(FM) is a condition that is characterized by widespread, generalized
pain "all over" the body that does not follow any specific anatomical
pathway like the course of a nerve, muscle, or blood vessel. It is often
diagnosed only after all other conditions have been eliminated by using
various testing approaches such as blood tests, [..]
There are many different exercises that can be done for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and we’ve discussed some of these in the past.To
understand "why" gliding exercises are helpful, let’s review the
anatomy of the carpal tunnel. There are 9 tendons that move through the
narrow carpal tunnel at the wrist. This confined space is [..]
There are many different exercises that can be done for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and we’ve discussed some of these in the past.To
understand "why" gliding exercises are helpful, let’s review the
anatomy of the carpal tunnel. There are 9 tendons that move through the
narrow carpal tunnel at the wrist. This confined space is [..]
Neck pain is a very common problem affecting up to 70% of the adult population at some point in life. Though there are specific causes of neck pain such sports injuries, car accidents, or simply sleeping in an awkward position, the vast majority of the time, no direct cause can be identified and thus the [..]
Whiplash is a slang term for an injury that occurs to the neck after the head has been literally "whipped" either forwards and backwards or sideways after a sudden jar such as in a slip / trip and fall, a physical assault, or a motor vehicle collision. But what REALLY happens in a "whiplash" injury? [..]
Neck pain is a very common problem that can with a number of possible causes. It can come from laying crooked while watching TV, it can come from sleeping in a draft, it can come as a response to a cold or flu, it can hurt because of a sinus infection ("referred pain"), it can [..]
"…I was told by my doctor that I have fibromyalgia
and I don’t know what to do. I’ve noticed that over the last couple of
years that I’ve been having a progressively harder time doing simple
tasks that I used to take for granted like folding laundry, ironing,
cooking, cutting up vegetables, sewing, driving a [..]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of many repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) and it’s also one of the most common present day workplace injuries, second only to low back pain! The term "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" was first used in 1939 and since the 1950s, this disabling overuse injury to the hand has been one of [..]
What do low back pain and balance have to do with one another? Well, a lot! First (and most obvious), poor balance can lead to falling, which is the number one cause of injuries after the age of 70 (which includes low back pain). Unfortunately, as we age, we lose both balance AND bone density [..]
For those of you who have had carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), you probably know all about braces. These are devices worn on the wrist that stop you from bending the wrist up or down. They may be worn anytime of the day if they don’t interfere too much with one’s current activity but are especially [..]
So, what does bone density have to do with low back pain? The relationship between bone density and back pain is quite intimate. In fact, when the degree of bone density declines to the point of fracture, back pain becomes very real. The classic condition and cause of spinal pain associated with the loss of [..]
"I wake up every morning with a stiff, sore lower back. When I
roll over to get out of bed, I feel like a log and almost have to fall
out of bed. When I finally get to my feet, I’m all bent over and can’t
stand upright for what seems like forever! It takes [..]