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Nutritional Post-Surgical Management of CTS

Nutritional Post-Surgical Management of CTS

Obviously, the goal of all healthcare providers, including the chiropractic management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), is to AVOID surgical intervention, but this is not always possible. Last month, we looked at herbal approaches to reduce inflammation with the focused goal of preventing surgical need. But, chiropractors also care for patients following a CTS surgery, [..]

Low Back Pain and Common Mistakes (Part 2)

Low Back Pain and Common Mistakes (Part 2)

Last month, we started a great discussion on “what NOT to do” when you have low back pain (LBP). Let’s continue that focus this month! 5. STAY STILL: You’ve heard, “…don’t do that – you’ll get a bad back!” There is something to be said about being careful, but one can be too cautious as [..]

Can Chiropractic Be of Help to Cancer Patients?

Can Chiropractic Be of Help to Cancer Patients?

The beneficial effects of chiropractic care on the whole body have been reported and previously discussed in prior articles. However, we have not looked at whether chiropractic care can benefit the cancer patient and if so, how?It has been estimated that by 2030, 12 million deaths will result from cancer with 30% having been preventable. [..]

Posture Concepts

Posture Concepts

Posture is important to health and physiology. Entire medical texts and chapters in medical texts are dedicated to posture and its influences (1,2). An excellent description of the importance of gravity and posture on physiology is found in the text by James Oschman, PhD, titled (Oschman):Energy Medicine, The Scientific BasisDr. Oschman notes:Gravity is the most [..]

Whiplash "101" (Part 2)

Whiplash "101" (Part 2)

Our current Whiplash topic continues from last month when we reviewed the “mechanism of injury,” the “type of injury,” and “prognosis.” This month, we will review the “nuts and bolts” of the whiplash injury or whiplash associated disorders (WAD). Whiplash diagnosis: The diagnosis of whiplash first and foremost requires a thorough history. Here, your doctor [..]

Fibromyalgia – Do We Know The Cause?

Fibromyalgia – Do We Know The Cause?

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition that is characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and an increased pain response. Symptoms can include tingling of the skin, muscle spasms, weakness in the arms and legs, nerve pain, muscle twitching, bowel disturbances, chronic sleep disturbances, and more. So, what can cause such a widespread, whole body condition? Though the [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Herbs

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Herbs

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition caused by the compression of the median nerve as it travels through the carpal tunnel in the wrist. The “source” of median nerve compression can be soft tissue swelling, such as tendonitis, bursitis, synovitis, capsulitis, etc. Last month, we discussed nutritional supplementation for CTS in general. This month, [..]

Headaches and Chiropractic Care

Headaches and Chiropractic Care

There are many different types of headaches with a multitude of symptoms including achy, throbbing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, numbness, blinding, noise, light and/or odor sensitivity, and more. The causes of headaches can include genetics (familial traits, like migraine headaches), stress or tension (probably one of the most common), environmental (allergies, seasonal, bright sunlight, loud noises, [..]

Low Back Pain and Common Mistakes

Low Back Pain and Common Mistakes

We often read about what to do for low back pain (LBP), but now let's look at LBP from the perspective of “what NOT to do!” ICE vs. HEAT: If you ask your doctor, “what’s better for my back, ice or heat?” the answer is either one or the other or, “…whichever you like better.” [..]

Chiropractic & Bowel/Bladder Function

Chiropractic & Bowel/Bladder Function

The benefits of chiropractic are well known when it comes to the management of lower back pain arising from various low back conditions. But, looking beyond the localized low back benefits of spinal manipulation, the positive effects on bowel and bladder function are less well known. The nerves that exit the spine in the low [..]

Pran Manga and Low Back Pain

Pran Manga and Low Back Pain

Pran Magna graduated from the University of Toronto with a PhD in economics in 1970. Since 1977 he has been a Full Professor at the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, where he teaches ethics, health economics, and globalization. He is also the director of the Masters Program in Health Administration.••••In 1993, [..]

Whiplash “101”

Whiplash “101”

Whiplash refers to an injury to the neck resulting from a rapid movement, usually associated with a motor vehicle collision (MVC). However, it can occur with a slip and fall injury, a bar room brawl, or during a sports event (like being tackled in football), among other things. For the sake of this discussion, we [..]