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Driving While “INTEXTICATED”!

Driving While “INTEXTICATED”!

Is texting while driving any different than drinking and driving? One might argue that because there is no alcohol involved, “it’s okay.” But is it? Here are some SOBERING FACTS about texting and driving: Believed to contribute to 1.6 million crashes/year. (National Safety Council) Linked to an estimated 330,000 injuries per year. (Harvard Center for [..]

Chiropractic’s MANY Benefits!

Chiropractic’s MANY Benefits!

In 2010, Dr. Gert Bronfort published a pinnacle report that reviewed studies published up to 2009 and identified 26 categories of conditions for which there is evidence that manual therapies (including spinal manipulation, mobilization, and massage) are beneficial. These 26 categories included thirteen musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions (like low back and neck pain), four types of [..]

Muscle Tension Headache Muscle Contraction Headache Tension-Type Headache

Muscle Tension Headache Muscle Contraction Headache Tension-Type Headache

AND Spinal Manipulation Spinal Postural Improvement BACKGROUND CONCEPTSUpright posture is a first class lever mechanical system, such as a teeter-totter or seesaw:Fulcrum       By mechanical definition, the fulcrum is where the forces are the greatest. In human spinal posture, the fulcrum is the intervertebral disc and facet joints.When the human head is bent forward, as in looking down, [..]

Lumbar Spine Herniated Intervertebral Disk with Discogenic Radiculopathy/Sciatica

Lumbar Spine Herniated Intervertebral Disk with Discogenic Radiculopathy/Sciatica

Terminology UpdateThe terminology pertaining to lumbar spinal disk herniations has been confusing, inconsistent, and contradictory. Consequently, in 2014, the North American Spine Society, the American Society of Spine Radiology, and the American Society of Neuroradiology convened a combined task force to agree upon the nomenclature. The results were published in the Spine Journal, and titled (1):Lumbar [..]

I’m Told I Have “Facet Syndrome” – What Is It?

I’m Told I Have “Facet Syndrome” – What Is It?

As stated in previous articles, low back pain (LBP) can arise from many different structures. Lumbar facet syndrome is one that involves the facet joint and includes both acute (new) and chronic (old) varieties. The facet joint is synonymous with the zygapophyseal joint, so if you hear that word, don’t let it throw you off! [..]

How Is Dizziness Related to My Neck Pain or Headaches?

How Is Dizziness Related to My Neck Pain or Headaches?

Dizziness, neck pain, and headaches are very common symptoms that may or may not occur at the same time. Though this interrelationship exists, this month’s article will focus primarily on dizziness, particularly related to dizziness that occurs after standing. First, it is important to point out that it is VERY common to be light headed [..]

Is Surgery Necessary for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Is Surgery Necessary for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral entrapment neuropathy—that is, it’s the most common place to trap a nerve in the extremities (arms or legs). CTS affects 6-11% of adults in the general population, and it occurs in women more often than men. The cause is often difficult to determine but the most [..]

Fibromyalgia – "What Is the BEST Diet?"

Fibromyalgia – "What Is the BEST Diet?"

Fibromyalgia (FM) and its cause remains a mystery, but most studies suggest that FM is NOT the result of a single event but rather a combination of many physical, chemical, and emotional stressors. The question of the month regarding the BEST FM diet is intriguing since one might assume that the many causes should mean [..]

Whiplash: What’s the "Best Evidence" These Days?

Whiplash: What’s the "Best Evidence" These Days?

Whiplash, or WAD (Whiplash Associated Disorders), refers to a neck injury where the normal range of motion is exceeded, resulting in injury to the soft-tissues (hopefully with no fractures) in the cervical region. There are a LOT of factors involved that enter into the degree of injury and length of healing time. Let’s take a [..]

My Baby Has Colic – Can Chiropractic Help?

My Baby Has Colic – Can Chiropractic Help?

There is NOTHING quite so troubling to a young couple as a crying baby who can’t be settled down, especially if the infant is their first child! One of the leading causes of a distressed baby is colic—at least, this is probably the condition blamed the most for cranky baby behavior! WHAT IS COLIC? By [..]

What Is Causing My Back Pain?

What Is Causing My Back Pain?

Low back pain (LBP) can arise from disks, nerves, joints, and the surrounding soft tissues. To simplify the task of determining “What is causing my LBP?” the Quebec Task Force recommends that LBP be divided into three main categories: 1) Mechanical LBP; 2) Nerve root related back pain; and 3) Pathology or fracture. We will [..]

Tension vs. Migraine: What’s the Difference?

Tension vs. Migraine: What’s the Difference?

Most likely, everyone reading this article has had a headache at one time or another. The American Headache Society reports that nearly 40% of the population suffers from episodic headaches each year while 3% have chronic tension-type headaches. The United States Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 29.5 million Americans experience migraines, but [..]